Liverpool Trot to Title and Assert Domestic Dominance As the Premier League comeback bandwagon rolls around the clubs, a surreal moment is hitting the viewers watching...
After 100 days without Premier League action, its return was marred by an error with the Hawk-Eye goal-line technology system. Hawk-Eye Innovations, the operator of the...
Predictions for the first full matchday The Premier League is well and truly back and there are some really interesting fixtures this weekend that could make...
Project Restart to increase risk of injury for Premier League Players. Will Project Restart Plague Premier League Players with Injuries? Let’s face it we are...
The bushy-haired Brazilian is too often at fault to go on playing as he is, but is there a way back for him? David Luiz...
Who will claim a Champions League spot come the end of the season? Premier League: The Race For Top Four The Premier League season is...
The Major Clashes of the Remaining Premier League 19/20 Season After English football’s return on Wednesday, which saw the two games in hand completed, part...
A look ahead to the return of the Premier League Premier League Return: Matches and Preview The 17th June marks the day that we have...
Thuram’s Knee and Sancho’s Shirt: What Should the Bundesliga Do? Football, US Racial Tensions, Racism in Sports and George Floyd The Bundesliga simply must not...
What is the biggest derby in the UK? The Biggest Derbies in British Football Derby Days. There’s quite nothing like it. The Anticipation, nerves and...