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Physical Health of Students: The Impact of sports on students’ Health



Physical health of students: the impact of sports on students’ health

We all want to be healthy, strong, and in good physical shape. When you practice sports, you can achieve this goal easier than those students who don’t have enough physical activity in their life. But sports have a positive impact not only on the physical part of your health, but it can also help you stay in a stable mental state because training is good to decrease the level of stress due to the fact that hormones elaborated during training reduce considerably the level of cortisol in your blood. In this article, we collected the main positive impacts of sports on students, and we really hope that it will help you to make the right decision and start practicing something. 


Physical health

Depending on the type of sport, it has a different influence on your body. For example, running is considered to be one of the best sports for cardio training; it helps to train your heart and decreases the possibility of problems with the blood system. Swimming is the best way to train each and every muscle; it makes you strong and resilient. Plus, the volume of your lungs will become gradually bigger, and in case of any respiratory infection, it will be easier for you to cope with it. Tennis can improve your stamina and is also a good sport for your whole body. Regular sports activities or even a couple of simple sets of exercises help students to keep fit by burning calories and not giving themselves a chance to gain too much weight.

As you know, obesity causes a lot of problems in all systems of the body, hurting your joints, heart, and vessels; your blood pressure can become too high, and another typical thing is diabetes. The important thing you have to remember when practicing sports is that you have to find the balance between your training and other activities because, first of all, too much physical pressure can sometimes cause health problems, so you will get a completely opposite effect compared with the one you wanted. Plus, when you spend too much time on one thing, it means that you don’t pay enough attention to others. For example, if you have a lot of training for your college swimming team, and because of that, you have to use the services of WritePaperForMe to meet the deadline with some of your paperwork, it is reasonable. But if you don’t have time to do your assignment because you spent too much time in the gym in order to show off at the beach in summer, then it’s time for you to think about priorities.     


Mental health

First of all, sports are maybe one of the best ways to lower the level of stress and relieve your anxiety. As you know, stress is one of the main problems students can have during their college years. Just imagine that after living with your parents for eighteen years, now you have to live alone, take care of yourself, study considerably more, and find your spot in an absolutely new social group of people. In addition, some students get part-time jobs to become financially independent. So, you can imagine how stressful all these new duties can be.

Practicing sports gives you the moment to relax, to slowly breathe in and out, and to find the connection and balance between your mental and physical states. When you practice, especially if it is something you enjoy, endorphins appear in your blood, making you feel happy, satisfied, and relaxed. If you practice some team sports, it can help you to feel the connection between you and your team players; therefore, you will forget about the feeling of loneliness. According to studies, the feeling of loneliness can cause depression. Right now, doctors already understand that depression is not something that their patients fake; it is a serious mental problem that requires sessions with psychologists and sometimes medicine to be taken.

Thanks to the training, you can also develop a feeling of trust towards your teammates, and it is a rather important condition for stable mental health because it can lower your social anxiety. Plus, thanks to sports, you can start feeling more motivated. When you see the results of your training, for example, how your body is getting fitter, you can see that hard work really gives its benefits. And our brain makes a reasonable assumption that the same will happen with studies. If you work hard, then your results will improve. And even though many students don’t want to confess that, we all like to receive praise, we want to show good results in our studies, and it’s nice to hear that, for example, your work was the best in the whole class. It gives us confidence and gives us mental strength to follow our dream to get an education. 


We hope you enjoyed the article ‘Physical health of students: the impact of sports on students’ health.’ What is your favourite sport to aide your mental health? Let us know!


Read more on sports below:


Jacob graduated with a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Reading. An avid footballer, he spent time under the FAW academy programme as well as Cardiff Corinthians. Later going on to play for his university and Wellington United whilst residing in New Zealand. He currently resides in Frome, Somerset. You can contact him at [email protected]


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