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The 5 best things about fans in stadiums



The 5 best things about fans in stadiums

As stadium capacities go up and up as the UK slowly returns to normality, we look at the best things about fans in stadiums. After a tough spell with games played behind closed doors, they’re back and they’re making noise. With 60,000 fans set to be at Wembley for the EURO 2020 final, we cover the 5 best things and football fans.



What is particularly great is all fans will have differences to each other, yet when they’re supporting the same team, that is put far behind them. For example, you could have a Liverpool fan and an Everton fan sitting next to each other at an England game. England score, and they’re hugging each other. Forget the Merseyside derby!



Everyone seems to know the…Chants! We’ve heard them all before… They just know… Whose spine doesn’t tingle when everyone in Anfield starts singing as one “you’ll never walk alone.” What about the away team playing against Liverpool. It’s enough to keep an opposition player awake at night. From ones about certain players to the whole team, no-one really knows where some chants came from but love them straight away!


The build-up

The fans getting excited when the teams come out for the warm-up. The boos for the other team when their line-up is read out. The cheers when one of your favourite player’s name is read out on the loudspeaker. The nervous chatter beforehand. In national games, the goose-bumps when the national anthem plays. And then the booming chants of support just before kick-off. The build-up to a often has just as many emotions than the game itself, especially when you’re in the stadium.


The cheers when the goal goes in

The building excitement as your team gets closer to the goal… Out wide… In comes the cross… It’s been nodded home! Cue wild celebrations… Pints thrown up into the air, jumping up and down ecstatically, roars of delight. Young and old, it can’t get much better than when the ball hits the back of the net. And hey, you might even get another cheer if VAR deems the goal to be legitimate.


The atmosphere

Boos when the ref gives a yellow card, oos when it’s just wide, chants when the team needs to be lifted, more boos if a player is doing badly, silence as the crowd waits for a VAR decision, whistles towards the end of the game. The atmosphere at a football match is brilliant! The different noises for different occasions in a game is incredible, and the speed at which they come at even more so. A football crowd’s reactions to events are amazing! This is something that fake crowd noise will never, ever, get even close to.


We hope you enjoyed this article ‘The 5 best things about fans in stadiums’. What is your favourite thing about fans being back in stadiums? Let us know!


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I'm an avid sports fan - I love watching and talking about all things football and F1. I also follow cricket and tennis but football and F1 are my main passions! I mostly write about football and support Spurs.


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