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Motor Sports – A Betting Guide



Formula One

Motor Sports – A Betting Guide

Cars have always had a special place in our hearts. Ever since their first invention and wide distribution, people have wondered about racing them. And, in the late 1800s, race them for the first time they did. The success of the first car race led to the sport becoming widespread worldwide.

Today, the idea of racing vehicles with a combustion engine is called motor sports (or auto racing) and it is among the most popular sports in the world. It is also especially popular on betting sites, so we’d like to give a few tips on how to properly wager on motor racing.


Picking a Good Bookie is Key

The first step is always to pick a good bookie. Land-based sportsbooks are plentiful around the world. However, most people nowadays prefer to get things done online. For the uninitiated, online sportsbooks have taken the world by storm. You can now find sports betting websites remarkably easily, but you have to know how to pick the right one. The quality of a bookie is based on two things:

Is it Licensed?

Is the bookie licensed? Licenses show that the odds have been reviewed and the bookie’s features have been regulated by a notable authority. If the bookie is unlicensed, you might want to look elsewhere.

Is it Reputable?

Does your sportsbook of choice have a good reputation? To determine this, you just need to look at reviews by customers and professionals alike. Once you’ve found out what they think, you can start betting.


Understanding the Sport

Diving right into betting without an understanding of the sport is one of the biggest mistakes that new punters make. They figure “I have the odds, and that is all I need.” But, that is not the case. You should always develop a certain love for the sport you are betting on, as that will help you better understand the intricacies, and thus help you make better wagers.

If we take Formula 1 as a hypothetical example; one team could be favored over the other. However, a person who is a frequent watcher may realize something that the bookies have missed. They could then place a wager on the underdog, which will ultimately turn out to be the correct choice.

Please note, we aren’t saying not to rely on odds, as they are mostly accurate. All that we mean here is that you should have an investment in the sport you are betting on.


Knowing the Sport

Finally, a general knowledge of the sport you are betting on is important. For example, if you are betting on Formula 1 it is good to know the teams, know the drivers, and know which drivers are the best in which team. This will help you compare and contrast two drivers on the two top teams, and determine which one is worth betting on.

The same is true for NASCAR drivers, for example. These are the two biggest organizations in motor sports, so having an awareness of them is also important in-and-of itself. Of course, if you are wagering on lesser-known motor sports, learning about those is also quite important.


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Jacob graduated with a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Reading. An avid footballer, he spent time under the FAW academy programme as well as Cardiff Corinthians. Later going on to play for his university and Wellington United whilst residing in New Zealand. He currently resides in Frome, Somerset. You can contact him at [email protected]


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