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Top 2 Moments from the Major UK Horse Racing Festivals in 2022



Top 2 Moments from the Major UK Horse Racing Festivals in 2022

2022 has been an incredible year for one of the oldest sports in the world. There have been a plethora of amazing moments that have taken place in the world of horse racing this year, and if you are a fan of this prestigious sport, you are going to be in for a real treat.

In this article, we will be taking a look at two of the top moments from major UK horse racing festivals in 2022, as well as going through each and talking about what makes them both so extraordinary. Let’s jump right into it.


Rachael Blackmore’s Astonishing Comeback

Rachael Blackmore is a bonafide legend in the world of horse racing, and the number of impressive feats she has achieved over the years is too numerous to count. Rachael Blackmore has achieved so much in her relatively brief time on this planet, and she is undoubtedly one of the most successful women horse riders of this century.

Whilst everything we have said about her thus far is already impressive enough, this is nothing when compared to the stunt she pulled at a horse at the Cheltenham Gold Cup this year. Rachael was trailing for most of the race, with her being in the middle of the pack for the majority of the run.

At this point, everyone just accepted that she wasn’t going to win; but Rachael was not ready to accept this fate. Right in the finishing moments, Rachel made a quick dash to the finish line, passing two or three competitors and going straight ahead into the number one spot.

If this doesn’t give you some semblance of what you can expect to see from horse racing festivals in UK, nothing will, and Rachael’s comeback is going to be one of the most memorable moments throughout her career.


Sam Waley-Cohen’s Fairytale Finale

The legendary Sam Waley-Cohen has always been a fan-favourite, and we just knew he would have to pull something big off for the final race of his career. Heading into the Grand National, Sam had odds of fifty to one. Overcoming these odds is an insurmountable task on its own, and doing so whilst partaking in the final race of your career just makes winning all the more unlikely.

However, Sam had one last treat in store for us before he put down his hat. Sam ended up winning the Grand National as his last ever race during the sport; what better way to make an exit?

Moreover, he also ended things in an incredibly sentimental way that was sure to leave a lasting impression on his fans. Cohen paid tribute to his brother, by him noting that there’s always a link between him and his brother despite his brother not being physically there with him.

Sam’s winning statement is going to be a history-defining moment within the sport for decades on end, and in reality, it is not likely that we are going to see anything else quite like it.


Both of the horse racing moments we have talked about in this article are undoubtedly going to go down in the history books. If you ever get the chance to watch either of said moments, we would highly recommend you to do so, and only then can you get even a glimpse into what it would be like as an actual on-looker watching the competition.

We can’t wait to see what the second half of 2022 has in store for us. If it’s anything like the first half, we are going to be in for a world of fun. Catch you in the next one.


We hope you enjoyed the article ‘Top 2 Moments from the Major UK Horse Racing Festivals in 2022.’ What was your favourite horse racing moment in 2022? Let us know!


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Jacob graduated with a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Reading. An avid footballer, he spent time under the FAW academy programme as well as Cardiff Corinthians. Later going on to play for his university and Wellington United whilst residing in New Zealand. He currently resides in Frome, Somerset. You can contact him at [email protected]


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