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How to keep yourself entertained when the football is boring




How to keep yourself entertained when the football is boring

The football season is in full swing, but for some people, the games can be pretty boring. If you’re truly looking for ways to keep yourself entertained during the game, check out these tips. From watching other games to playing games on your phone, there are plenty of ways to keep yourself busy. So don’t let the football bore you – get creative and have some fun!


Sing a chant!

Whether you’re actually at the game or watching at home, get involved and start chanting. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know all the words – just make up your own and get everyone around you to join in. Chanting is a great way to show your support for your team and get everyone pumped up for the game.


Play some online casino games on your mobile

If you’re struggling to stay interested in the game, why not try your hand at some online casino games? There are plenty of great casino apps out there that can provide you with hours of fun. From slots to blackjack, there’s something for everyone. If youre actually looking for somewhere to play, then check out, theyve got a great selection of games and offers that can keep you entertained for hours.


Bring a book with you

If you really can’t stand the thought of watching another minute of football, then bring a book with you and make the most of the time. There’s no shame in reading at a football game – after all, you’re still supporting your team! So, find a good book and enjoy some quiet time during the match.


Get some food

Football games are the perfect opportunity to try out some new foods. Whether you’re at a stadium or at home, there are plenty of great options available. So, take advantage of the situation and treat yourself to something tasty! There’s always time for food during the game, so make sure you don’t miss out.


Grab a drink

What goes better with football than a cold beer? If you’re watching the game at a bar or at home, make sure you grab yourself a drink. It’ll help you relax and enjoy the game even more. Just be careful not to overdo it – you don’t want to miss any of the action!


Take a nap

If you’re really struggling to stay awake, then just close your eyes and take a quick nap. It’s not the most exciting way to spend a football game, but it’ll make sure you don’t miss anything. Just be careful not to snore too loudly! This would be the perfect opportunity to invest in some noise-canceling headphones.


Leave early

If you’re really not enjoying the game, then there’s no shame in leaving early. After all, there are plenty of other things to do with your time. So, if you’re bored, don’t hesitate to head for the exits. There’s no point in staying somewhere you’re not enjoying yourself.

So, there you have it – some great tips on how to keep yourself entertained during a football game. Whether you’re at the game or watching at home, make sure you try out some of these ideas. You might just find that you enjoy the game more than you thought!



Jacob graduated with a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Reading. An avid footballer, he spent time under the FAW academy programme as well as Cardiff Corinthians. Later going on to play for his university and Wellington United whilst residing in New Zealand. He currently resides in Frome, Somerset. You can contact him at [email protected]


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